Liisa, affärsutvecklare på Worldline Global

på Jan 09, 2024
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I love music, nature, how our brain works, and being in solitude. Currently, I'm becoming a Pilates teacher. The reason I enjoy Pilates and any type of activity is how it makes me feel, how it helps me be a better person, sister, friend, partner... it truly gives me wings. Through becoming a Pilates teacher, I can guide others and help them become their best selves.

What drives you? Why?

Being a better person than I was yesterday, seeing continuous growth, and connecting the dots when looking back. Knowing that there is so much I still don’t know and yet want to learn. Also, a dream of my own beautiful home and family.

Is there anyone who inspires you?

I'm inspired by powerful women handling their families, full-time jobs, and starting businesses in between. Anyone who has come from nothing and built themselves up, helping others and making the world a better place.

Do you have a role model, someone who inspires you?

Throughout my life, there have been many, both male and female. One that always comes to mind is my previous manager, Olivia - she gave me wings in my career, helped me grow as a woman, and see life more positively. Another one is one of my best friends, Erika - her attitude is everything and it helps me be my true self and not fit into a box.

What is the absolute best thing you know?

Nature, solitude, my friends, music, seeing others improve, being in my feminine energy, hiking, being active... All these add so much more to my life and give positive energy.

Has there been a moment in your life when you gained a significant insight?

There have been many, but the most insightful moments have been during times of significant change in my life, like the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a new start. It really helps to see the world through different lenses and opens up the heart and mind. It teaches us to look within.​

Is there someone or something that has deeply touched you?

My friends, for being there for me even when I didn't feel I had much to give or that I was too lovable.
