Hållbar design som håller länge

Miljöpåverkan från modebranschen är stor; ju mer kläder vi konsumerar, desto större blir belastningen på vår planet. Därför är vårt fokus att skapa hållbar design – både med hänsyn till miljön och med långsiktig användbarhet i åtanke.


Fashion is a dynamic form of self-expression that speaks without using a single word. At the core of our philosophy is the belief that clothing is more than a fabric; it’s a powerful tool to address today’s challenges. Our designs are created to evoke emotions and inspire unique expressions of individuality. We craft pieces that highlight both the wearer's body and personality, turning each garment into a cherished treasure.

We are dedicated to creating fashion that transcends fleeting trends. Our pieces are made to be cherished for years, crafted with care and attention to detail. To ensure they last, we prioritize high-quality materials, offer repair services, and provide detailed care instructions. Our goal is to create timeless designs that deeply resonate with those who wear them, making each piece a lasting part of their life.


Fashion is a dynamic form of self-expression that speaks without using a single word. At the core of our philosophy is the belief that clothing is more than a fabric; it’s a powerful tool to address today’s challenges. Our designs are created to evoke emotions and inspire unique expressions of individuality. We craft pieces that highlight both the wearer's body and personality, turning each garment into a cherished treasure.

We are dedicated to creating fashion that transcends fleeting trends. Our pieces are made to be cherished for years, crafted with care and attention to detail. To ensure they last, we prioritize high-quality materials, offer repair services, and provide detailed care instructions. Our goal is to create timeless designs that deeply resonate with those who wear them, making each piece a lasting part of their life.



Du kan göra skillnad! De mest effektiva förändringarna börjar med oss själva. Genom att välja att använda de plagg vi redan har, istället för att ständigt köpa nytt, minskar vi både vår konsumtion och miljöpåverkan.



Ofta överbehandlar vi våra kläder, vilket inte bara är skadligt för miljön utan också förkortar plaggens livslängd. För att motverka detta har vi skapat en skötselguide som visar hur du kan ta hand om dina kläder på rätt sätt, så att de håller längre och behåller sitt fina skick.



Inte ens produkter av högsta kvalitet klarar av livets påfrestningar, men det mesta går att laga. På Charlie AK erbjuder vi gratis reparationer av våra plagg för att förlänga deras livslängd. På så sätt försäkrar vi våra kunder om att deras Charlie AK-plagg kommer att se bra ut i många år framöver.



The fashion industry's relentless pursuit of fast-paced trends and low-quality products has led to a troubling cycle of unsustainable overconsumption. Many brands churn out new collections with little regard for environmental impact or the effects on consumer behavior. This model encourages consumers to constantly buy and discard clothing, resulting in a noticeable decline in product quality.

Instead we prioritize creating durable, high-quality designs meant to be worn season after season. Our mission is to inspire customers to embrace their individuality, stand out from the crowd, and make sustainable choices by reusing their clothing. By championing this approach, we aim to reduce our environmental footprint and transform the way people think about fashion.


Just as we strive to minimize the number of clothes in your wardrobe, we're committed to reducing our own inventory. When creating our designs, we carefully estimate the storage needed to ensure we only produce what will be used. We prefer to avoid overstocking and the uncertainty of unsold items. Instead, we focus on producing smaller quantities and ordering on-demand, which helps us minimize our environmental impact.


The production and treatment of fabrics can have a significant negative impact on the environment. To mitigate this, we believe in full transparency about the materials used in our designs. We work closely with our production partners to select the most sustainable options available, prioritizing organic materials like silk and wool.

We make sure to use organic cotton, as it is grown without harmful chemicals and requires less water, reducing its environmental footprint. We avoid synthetic fabrics due to their high greenhouse gas emissions, non-biodegradability, and the pollution they cause, which can harm marine ecosystems. Our commitment to these choices reflects our dedication to sustainability and minimizing our ecological impact.

Learn more about our materials.


From the beginning, we made a conscious decision to manufacture our clothing exclusively in Europe, prioritizing both favorable working conditions and minimizing transport distances. While still producing the majority in Sweden we collaborate with a small factory in Porto, Portugal, a familly business just like Charlie AK.

The fashion industry's relentless pursuit of fast-paced trends and low-quality products has led to a troubling cycle of unsustainable overconsumption. Many brands churn out new collections with little regard for environmental impact or the effects on consumer behavior. This model encourages consumers to constantly buy and discard clothing, resulting in a noticeable decline in product quality.

Instead we prioritize creating durable, high-quality designs meant to be worn season after season. Our mission is to inspire customers to embrace their individuality, stand out from the crowd, and make sustainable choices by reusing their clothing. By championing this approach, we aim to reduce our environmental footprint and transform the way people think about fashion.



The production and treatment of fabrics can have a significant negative impact on the environment. To mitigate this, we believe in full transparency about the materials used in our designs. We work closely with our production partners to select the most sustainable options available, prioritizing organic materials like silk and wool.

We make sure to use organic cotton, as it is grown without harmful chemicals and requires less water, reducing its environmental footprint. We avoid synthetic fabrics due to their high greenhouse gas emissions, non-biodegradability, and the pollution they cause, which can harm marine ecosystems. Our commitment to these choices reflects our dedication to sustainability and minimizing our ecological impact.

Learn more about our materials.

Just as we strive to minimize the number of clothes in your wardrobe, we're committed to reducing our own inventory. When creating our designs, we carefully estimate the storage needed to ensure we only produce what will be used. We prefer to avoid overstocking and the uncertainty of unsold items. Instead, we focus on producing smaller quantities and ordering on-demand, which helps us minimize our environmental impact.



From the outset, we made a deliberate choice to manufacture our clothing exclusively in Europe, focusing on both excellent working conditions and reduced transportation distances. Although we primarily produce in Sweden, we also partner with a small, family-owned factory in Porto, Portugal, which shares our values and commitment to quality, just like us.