Maria, Influencer Aginginstyle

på Apr 23, 2024
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From where do you gather your fashion inspiration?

Reflecting on my childhood, I have always been driven by the ambition to achieve more and aspire to something greater. I think this is reflected in my insatiable curiosity and always being a bit of an underdog. I grew up in Trollhättan, a city where very few looked like me, and where I was somewhat an outsider.

What motivated you to start sharing your outfit ideas on Instagram?

I have always loved school, but it was considered cool to dislike it, and sometimes, what you want can't be found where you live. I really wanted to be in a big city with lots of opportunities, which wasn't the case there. I had to constantly fight my way forward and didn't have the financial support from home. So, I learned early on that if I wanted to achieve something, I had to do it myself. No one else could solve my problems. That's been my mindset since childhood.

what has been the main focus when creating the accessories together with charlie AK?

When we designed the accessories together with Charlie AK, the focus was on enhancing the already established expression of playfulness and elegance, and on making the accessories strong enough to stand on their own. Regarding fashion and aging, I aim to challenge the prejudices and expectations that exist—one is never too old to care about how one dresses. Well-dressed elders contribute positively to the aesthetic experience of their surroundings, which is something I am passionate about demonstrating.

What do you hope your followers gain through your account?

I am convinced that fashion can play a crucial role in boosting self-confidence. The right garment or accessory can truly elevate a person and add that special something. Through my account, I hope my followers are inspired to experiment with their own style. Exploring and finding what works for oneself is an exciting and enriching process, even if it doesn’t always happen overnight. It is this brave exploration of personal expression and style that I hope my followers take with them from my account.