Reflecting on my childhood, I have always been driven by the ambition to achieve more and aspire to something greater. I think this is reflected in my insatiable curiosity and always being a bit of an underdog. I grew up in Trollhättan, a city where very few looked like me, and where I was somewhat an outsider.
I have always loved school, but it was considered cool to dislike it, and sometimes, what you want can't be found where you live. I really wanted to be in a big city with lots of opportunities, which wasn't the case there. I had to constantly fight my way forward and didn't have the financial support from home. So, I learned early on that if I wanted to achieve something, I had to do it myself. No one else could solve my problems. That's been my mindset since childhood.
What motivates you?
A lot of things push me forward. I really want to have the freedom to create the life I dream of, like having my own business instead of working for someone else. I'm also super motivated by solving problems and learning new stuff. Plus, I really want to see more women in in leadership positions. Me and my sister paused what we're doing to invest in our brand, encouraging more people to dare to pursue their careers.
Growing up, I didn't have a female role model to look up to, so now I want to be part of creating more female role models. We want women to feel brave about chasing their dreams so that others can see them as examples. I believe success can mean different things, like being happy or making money. Instead of having a single role model, I've found inspiration from different people. For instance, Babba Rivera, a girl with Chilean parents who grew up in Sweden, moved to New York with her partner, built their careers, and now runs a hair care brand. When I think of a successful woman, I think of her. She built her life from nothing.
We market something that reflects who we are or aspire to be. We are a brand for women, created and represented by women. In our branding, we aim to highlight women from diverse backgrounds. In our latest campaign, we featured models of Iranian origin, aligning with our commitment to authenticity. We don't try to be something we're not, but at the same time, we present an ideal image of what one can strive for and inspire others that it's achievable if you want it.
Is there anything that inspires you?
I really love wine and food—they inspire me a lot. I'm not great at cooking, but my fiancé is awesome in the kitchen. We started exploring different restaurants and dishes together, and in the last three years, we even went on a wine tour. I like trying new things, and visiting a vineyard, learning how they make wine, seeing the tools they use, and tasting the final product is super interesting.
Traveling is a big inspiration for me too. I'm into architecture, and even though I've lived in Stockholm for 11 years, I still get excited about the buildings and find joy in little things. Finding happiness in small things is important, especially during tough times. I can be really happy with my morning coffee or just looking at the color of a building.
I also love interior design and playing around with colors. Being Iranian, I have a Persian rug at home, adding a touch of my background to the minimalist style I like.
What is the absolute best thing you know??
For me, laughing and having a good time is the absolute best. So, it's really important for me to live a life where I'm with people who make me laugh and enjoy myself. Having fun is the top priority! It might sound a bit weird, but when things go wrong or don't go as planned, it can actually be a good thing. You might only realize this later on. For instance, not getting a promotion at work could lead you to chase your dream or switch jobs, ending up being the best thing ever. So, when tough times come, it's like a sign that something better is waiting for you, even if you can't see it right away.
Do you have a specific interest?
I don't have one main hobby; these are just things I do in my free time. I really like learning, so I have different interests. I'm really into the stock market, and even before By Banoo, I used to sometimes talk about it in lectures because I find it fascinating and important. It's also a way for women to have more power, own more money, and know how money grows.
I'm also interested in companies and business, so I read a lot of newspapers like Breakit and keep up with what other companies are doing because I find it interesting. It's something my fiancé and I can chat about and enjoy. I love hanging out with my friends because it lets me be in the moment and take a break from challenges. Even if things are tough, being with friends helps me pause and be present.
In the past few years, I've learned different sports like cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, and got a diving certificate, and I really enjoy doing these activities. Every day, I like working out because it makes me feel better mentally—I work better and sleep better. Basically, I'm a routine person, trying to find balance and recognizing when I'm in the zone and making the most of it. On the flip side, if things aren't going well, I take a break, realizing it's not worth pushing through that day. Instead, I take some time off, and the next day, I might be even more motivated and efficient. At the same time, I try to stick to a routine by waking up early, even though I work for myself and can manage my time. Going to a specific place gives me some structure.
Some things I came to realize
I believe it's possible to work on something I find enjoyable. Of course, not everything is enjoyable, and there are tasks we must do. However, if you find yourself in a place where you lack inspiration, it affects your entire life. It makes you a worse partner, a worse friend, and the energy you've expended won't be enough for everything else. Just shifting from my old job improved my well-being and made me a better individual, partner, friend, and sister. People may not realize this; they might stay in a job, complain, feel that nothing good can happen to them, and believe they have no good opportunities. But Sweden is a land full of possibilities – anyone can study and get good grades if they put in a little more effort. Everyone has different circumstances, but it's not impossible. If I, from Trollhättan, can do it, so can you, regardless of your background. I mean, you should dare to invest in yourself, dare to do what you want. Perhaps you want to go back to school; it's not too late when you're 30, and you have 70 more years to live. Do you want to be unhappy during those years? Your choices impact your life now. I wouldn't have realized this if I hadn't made the shift and felt its effects.